Friday, September 18, 2009

Seattle, WA

Trent and I have begun our voyage with a bit of training in Seattle. We got here Monday night, trained and prepped on Tuesday and Wednesday, presented Thursday and Friday, and are leaving in the early morning to head down to Utah (to grab a few things before heading out big time).

First off, have you ever felt that you are not cool enough to be in a certain place? Yea I had never felt that way either, UNTIL I came to Seattle. Everyone seems so put together, so smart and aware, and of course, pretty, that I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. They kind of seem "good quality", which is not something I can say I've ever felt about any other place. I love this city, just don't know if I'd ever be able to live here because I'd constantly feel inferior :)

Like I said, we enjoyed every moment in Seattle, even if we were so busy that we only had a little time to do some exploring- which, by the way, we are sorry that we didn't get to visit with anyone!

But, some of the things we did get to do:
-We visited the Flagship Nordstrom. I have wanted to do this for a few years now, so I was excited to finally be able to explore the massive, 5-story department store. :) On the same trip we also went to H&M which I always have to do when I have the opportunity. Of course for dinner we were losers and ate at Cheesecake Factory- blahh!

-We took a walk in Elliott Park (I believe it is called). This is right down by the water and stretches for what seems to be miles. We got in to the park via an access area by Pike's Place and walked probably 2 miles before we found a foot bridge to cross over the tracks and back in to the city. I was a little worried we would never make it back. :) The cool thing about this park though is that one trail is for the pedestrians, and another trail is made for the bikers. I think my dad would LOVE this park because of the excellent bike trail. :)

-On Friday night, I decided that we'd had enough of the chain restaurants, so we ventured out to Umi Sake House (1st Ave) for some sushi. We are both in love with sushi, and it helps that our job offers us a generous per diem, so we decided to put it to use and indulge in a nice helping of sushi. I was blown away by the portion sizes- these rolls are absolutely MASSIVE! We looked like gluttons because we both ordered 2 rolls each, and we ordered an appetizer of tempura veggies/shrimp, and of course we didn't think they'd give us so much sushi. So let's just say we definitely took some of it home. :)

-Another local restaurant we went to is Buckley's which is kind of like a pub type atmosphere, so think of burgers and sandwich type fare. We actually ate here twice for lunch, because it was in close proximity to the office, and was decent enough.

And now, for a slideshow :)

Here is Trent at Le Creperie Voila, a little crepe stand downtown. He loves his crepes and it was a nice way to get over the bland Cheesecake Factory's food. Pretend the guy behind him isn't there.

Here I am, in this little coastal park, enjoying the scenery!

I love this photo of Trent- look, I'm not photographer, but this is cool nonetheless. :)

Our delicious meal at Umi!! Look how much food we got- much better deal than Happy Sumo- and much tastier :)

Nom nom nom nom!

Supposedly haunted Moore theater! I can't remember if ghost hunters debunked this place or not, but we were excited to pass by! Balls, this one is for you :)

I always feel like, somebody's watching me... (also for Balls)

So yea, we had a great time in Seattle and were sad to leave. But hopefully we'll be back soon, as our great uncle "HAL" is based there, so ya never know when we'll be in town!

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